First MTP Cheilectomy


A first MTP cheilectomy is a surgical procedure that removes bone spurs on the top surface of the big toe joint. Bones spurs develop due to arthritis of the big toe, also known as hallux rigidus. The spurs block the toe’s motion, which causes pain. A first STMP cheilectomy relieves pain and improves range of motion in the big toe.

Pain with limited motion of the big toe or pain with direct pressure from shoes could be signs that surgery is needed. However, patients should first try non-surgical treatments, such as wearing a stiff shoe or a rigid insert, and/or taking anti-inflammatory medications. Surgery is indicated when these efforts fail to provide good pain relief. If you do not have relief of symptoms, a cheilectomy may be right for you.

An incision is made over the top of the first MTP joint. Care is taken to avoid the tendon that extends the big toe. Any bone spurs are removed. If there is inflamed joint tissue or debris, these are removed as well. The cartilage on the joint surfaces is inspected. Approximately 30 percent of the top portions of the head of the metatarsal bone and corresponding bone spurs are removed.

All surgeries come with possible complications, including the risks associated with anesthesia, infection, damage to nerves and blood vessels, and bleeding or blood clots.

With a cheilectomy, there is a risk of numbness along the big toe, a painful scar or an incision that does not heal properly. Arthritis is a progressive problem, and you may have continued pain after the surgery. While most patients do well with a cheilectomy for more than 10 years, some may need additional surgery, such as a fusion. This can occur in 20 to 30 percent of patients with big toe arthritis.
Information provided by American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) via
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